How do the Walker-backers feel about wife wanting $478,000 for kitchen?

When the recall was in full bloom, there was much divide in this state over Governor Scott Walker and his ideas.

I thought he was all about saving money? If so, then why is his wife seeking $478,700 for a new kitchen in the Governor's mansion?

I'm sorry, but this just completely makes me sick to my stomach! I just can't see that kind of spending in this economy.

I wonder how others feel about it?

First Lady seeking $478,700 for new kitchen at Governor's mansion - WKOW

Here is an update from Madison WKOW - UPDATE: Funding request withdrawn for governor's mansion


I think it is a little excessive, but, it says that it hasn't been renovated since like 1986...

They do serve a lot of people and if the applicances are old, I guess. Maybe a little excessive though.

I bet that all the teachers and firefighters are really happy right about now to see this. ha

Wasteful IMHO

Saw some posts today that sound like they didn't like all the media coverage and have since changed their request to privately fund this and not ask for taxpayer money. That was probably a smart move on their part.

Thanks Tammy - I added an update and I agree with you, it was a smart move.

Ha, Tee my kitchen has not been redone since the 1940'sl. I would be happy puttin 5,000 into mine. See, I dont ask for much. ;)

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